
An alle Interessierten Ergotherapeuten noch eine Nachricht in Ergaenzung, die unser Webportal http://www.therapeuten-im-ausland.de aus Kairo erhalten hat:

Dear OTs,

My name is Ahmed El-Kahky and I am working as an Ass. Prof. of Physiotherapy in the institute of post-graduate childhood studies (medical department), Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt. In Egypt we do not have the recognition of the occupational therapy profession before but in the last two years we had many contacts with the WFOT to establish a post-graduate diploma for two years and has to be
accredited for the WFOT. Our planes is to start next Feb. 2008 as the curriculum is settled down and got approved by the WFOT, but in order to be finally accredited we need an authorized OT to work as program director at least for the 1st. two years, who might be interested for this position providing he is a OT professional with academic background.

Thanks in advance
A. El-Kahky
Ass. Prof. Of Ph. Th.
Ain Shams Uni.