Welcome to our online community and database for people traveling, living and working abroad – taking into account global, political, ethnic and intercultural relations and backgrounds.   

We have up to date information on job search, travel preparations and share many first hand accounts of various experiences abroad. We will continue to provide this level of information by continuously developing the site. An area to be expanded soon is intercultural knowledge, as it is gaining more and more importance in everyday life – professionally and socially.

The site was founded by people from different professional backgrounds. What we have in common are our travel experiences and a general interest in other cultures and global exchange.  

The editors maintaining this website are volunteers. In addition, anybody interested is very welcome take part in forum discussions, and add ideas, addresses and links.

If you have ideas, tips or links you would like to share, please post in the forum, send us an email at info @ people-abroad.de. We are looking forward to your ideas and feedback.

People Abroad
Editorial Office
Alphornstraße 28
68169 Mannheim
phone: +49 0621 40185801 
mail: info @ people-abroad.de