Hello all,
I have added email subscription availability and/or links to add the OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN EGYPT BLOG to your home page to receive updates on information related to OT in Egypt. So, go to http://www.otegypt.blogspot.com and subscribe in the sidebar.
I will be updating the blog with information regarding OT curriculum development, jobs, services offered, and any pertinent information related to OT in Egypt.
I will also post information about courses and conferences, which may be of use to OT”s in the region, such as the Hand Course in Turkey in October and the Rehabilitation Conference in UAE in November, 2007.
Please post any comments on the blog and/or email me with any feedback.
Please pass along to any interested parties…
Laura Efinger
Laura Efinger, M.A. OT/L
Learning Resource Center
Head of the OT Department
9 Road 278, New Maadi, Cairo 11434 , Egypt.